ID card detection using Emgu and Tesseract OCR

Tesseract is an open source OCR engine maintaining by the google, in this post we are going to use Tesseract OCR to identify the text from ID card.

ID card 

Image processing:

We need to apply some image processing to the image before OCR the image, please refer the below link to improve the OCR accuracy by applying the image processing to the input image.

I am going to use the .Net library Emgu to apply image processing to the image, Emgu is a cross platform .Net wrapper to the OpenCV.


Tesseract works best on images which have a DPI of at least 300 dpi, so we need to rescale input image to get the accurate result.
imgResize = sourceImage.Resize(2, Inter.Linear);


This is converting an image to black and white
img_gray = imgResize.Convert<Gray, Byte>().SmoothGaussian(5).ThresholdBinary(new Gray(trackBar1.Value), new Gray(255));

After Binarisation

OCR the Image:

The Emgu has the built in API to call the tesseract OCR, so here I have utilized the API to apply the OCR to the image.

using Emgu.CV.OCR;

Initialize the OCR
_ocr = new Tesseract(Path.GetFullPath("../../Data/"), "eng", OcrEngineMode.TesseractLstmCombined);

Applying the OCR:
string text = _ocr.GetUTF8Text();

After OCR the document
Please find the sample in the below link:


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